History of the Estonian language school (trip from Paldiski)

Visiting various significant historical places, enriching the Estonian language with new vocabulary, and listening to and making sense of historical texts.

Birthplace of Forselius – the ruins of the old clergy house in Harju-Madise, watching a film about Forselius, a memorial stone for Forselius, and a visit to the church in Harju-Madise. The first schools in Risti and Padise, memorial stones for the first alphabet book and the first Estonian-language school in Harju-Madise and Risti. Discussion in Kallaste Adventure Farm (former Forselius School – Padise-Aruküla Rural Municipality School). Vasalemma Manor and School. Memorial stone for Julius Oengo (Oro).

  • Language level: A2+
  • Time: 29.10.2022 from 11.00 – 14.15
  • Departure: bus from Paldiski, in front of Pakri Plaza at 10.50 a.m. (Rae 38, Paldiski)

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/11829

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus


Language learners were involved in the creation of a feature film

In 2022, with the support of the Viru Film Fund, the Integration Foundation’s Estonian Language House in Narva implemented a bold and ambitious language learning project – its own film academy, which was followed by the birth and big screen premiere of a real feature film, Valik (Choice). This is the first professional feature-length film created in Narva and by its residents.

Additional information and movie trailer: integratsioon.ee/en/valik-choice

On 12 November, Valik will premiere in Kohtla-Järve as part of KinoFF, a side festival of PÖFF, and from 27 November, the film will be screened in Apollo cinemas in Ida-Viru County.

The film is the result of the language learning and integration project of the Film Academy of the Estonian Language House in Narva. Participants in the project passed a practical exam, after which the top ten were selected to be cast in the feature film.

Thanks to the film project, more than 40 people from Narva and ohter parts of Estonia got Estonian language practice, self-confidence, new skills, and friends.

The authors and screenwriters of the idea are Julia Viirsalu, a teacher at the Estonian Language House in Narva, and advisor at the Ministry of Culture Krismar Rosin. The film was shot with the help of local filmmakers: director Jelena Pazilina, composer and sound director Dmitri Piibe, cinematographer and editor Sofia Kostenkova, artist Tatjana Sonina, lighting designer Aleksei Zemskov, make-up artist Signe Viilop, producer Julia Viirsalu, and head of the Estonian language house in Narva Anna Farafonova as administrative director.

The protagonist is played by Anastasiia Pylaeva. Other cast members include Tanel Saar, Aleksandr Zhilenko, Gerhard Saks, and Marina Malova, as well as graduates of the Film Academy of the Estonian Language House in Narva.

Inspired by a true story that took place in Narva in the late 90s, Valik (Choice) tells the story of a young border guard who must choose between love and the law.

COVID-19 crisis resolution measures

In organizing language courses, Estonian Language Houses are guided by the current requirements put in place to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Only people who present the certificate to prove that they are vaccinated or have been recovered from COVID-19 can take part in courses and events. The COVID certificates of all attendants will be checked at the entrance, please bring your identity document with you as well. The certificate can be submitted in both paper and digital form (eg from smartphone).

It is mandatory to wear a mask at the indoors event.

Thank you for your understanding and care.

Newsletter: October 2021

Table of contents

Irene Käosaar: The trend in integration policy is to talk to people

Integration Foundation to organise ‘30 Years of Integration’ conference in Tallinn on 11 & 12 November

We invite people with undetermined citizenship to take part in a series of events in Tallinn and Ida-Viru County

Almost 2100 people attending Estonian language courses to learn and practise the language this year

It is never too late to start learning a language – and right now is no exception!

Range of resources released with which to practise Estonian

State agencies to open their doors once again to work-experience students with mother tongues other than Estonian

Integration Foundation publishes ‘Coming Back in 2021’ handbook on returning to Estonia

Online Citizen’s Day quiz to be held from 15-28 November

Cooperation Days generate ideas on getting young people involved in activities

Estonian-language teachers from Ida-Viru County to take part in Merle Karusoo’s play ‘Who Am I?’

Language-learners ‘gift-rap’ their birthday present for the Estonian Language Centre in Narva

Calls for tenders and proposals


Irene Käosaar: The trend in integration policy is to talk to people

piltBack in summer, on the 20th of August, we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the restoration of Estonia’s independence with a song festival in Narva. For the last three decades we have been working to drive Estonian society forward, fashion its values and support its democratic processes. Part of that is shaping integration policy, which is closely linked to social processes, being helped or hindered by them on the one hand and contributing to the formation of a more cohesive society on the other.

A lot has changed in the last 30 years: the emphasis in integration policy has shifted from language-learning and citizenship issues to the moulding of shared values and working together. Of course, skills in Estonian and its use as a common language remain as important as ever, but learning it is no longer so much an end in itself but a means to an end – a bridge between cultural spaces in society.

There has been a marked shift in people’s attitudes towards Estonian and studies of the language: there are no longer arguments about whether the national language needs to be learned or whether the education system should be at least partially in Estonian for all learners. The main issue today is how to go about this in such a way that the quality of education is guaranteed and that interaction between youngsters from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds is supported.

The success of language studies largely depends, as it always has, on people’s motivation, which is why national programmes are increasingly focussed on the learners themselves, placing their needs front and centre. If a person needs Estonian to get on professionally, it makes sense for them to study the language from that perspective. If they need it to get by more effectively in their personal or social lives, often the best way of helping them is to direct them to our language cafés and language and culture clubs. In order to support this approach, a consultation system has been set up that helps chart people’s needs so as to offer them the right kind of studies.

The trend in integration policy is getting closer to people and talking to them. We have built up a strong country over the last 30 years; a lot of the decisions that have been made in the field of integration were the right ones at the time. Now we have reached a point where we no longer need to worry as much about the long-term future of Estonia – instead, we can be guided primarily by human values in supporting a more cohesive society.

Integration Foundation to organise ‘30 Years of Integration’ conference in Tallinn on 11 & 12 November

piltThe event will bring together internationally recognised experts from Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and of course Estonia. The conference will be livestreamed on the integrationconference.ee website.

The two-day conference will include speeches and discussions in which experts, researchers, policy-shapers and representatives of civil society organisations will be analysing the integration processes implemented in Estonia and other countries over the last 30 years, summarising achievements and setbacks and discussing what still needs to be done to foster a more cohesive society.

Information about the programme, speakers and registration can be found on the event’s website at integrationconference.ee. The event will be livestreamed on the site. Registration to attend the conference in person is open until 1 November.

We invite people with undetermined citizenship to take part in a series of events in Tallinn and Ida-Viru County

piltAt the meetings, we introduce the possibilities of acquiring citizenship, discuss obstacles and advantages, visit the Riigikogu, share detailed information on what to do to apply for citizenship and give advice on how to prepare for exams.

Activities take place from October to December 2021, mainly in Estonian language houses in Tallinn and Narva, but we also make various trips. Each person can participate in all events or choose the most interesting ones.

The entire programme in both Tallinn and Ida-Viru County is in Russian or has been translated into the language and is free of charge. You can join at any time.


Almost 2100 people attending Estonian language courses to learn and practise the language this year

piltThe academic year has gotten off to a flying start in the Integration Foundation’s partner schools and at the Estonian Language Centres in Tallinn and Narva.

It was a busy and creative start to the autumn season in Narva, where 13 groups (three of them online) opened at the A1-C1 levels in September, taking in 203 students. Five skills courses with 108 places were also launched in a completely new format to focus on specific aspects of Estonian language and culture over a longer period.

The Estonian Language Centre in Narva is continuing to work with the city’s central library to organise conversation classes for its 17 staff members, during which interesting discussions are led by teachers of Estonian. Along with other activities supporting language-learning, the centre also worked with the organisers of the Matsalu Film Festival to offer 138 residents of Narva the chance to enjoy competing entries from the festival.

The academic year has also gotten off to a fun and flying start at the Estonian Language Centre in Tallinn, where 18 groups with almost 300 students have dived into courses at the A1-B2 levels. Since life these days is much more dynamic than it used to be, these courses are also being offered either in person or online. Making sure they fit in with the day-to-day lives of the students is a top priority, since studies only truly pay off when they are interesting and can be undertaken in a format and at a time that suit the learner. A total of 12 face-to-face and six online courses have been launched this autumn, the latter attracting participants from the Sõrve peninsula on the island of Saaremaa all the way to Georgia!

International Teachers Day was marked at the Estonian Language Centres in both Tallinn and Narva in October with the poetry of Doris Kareva, activities linked to Adult Learners Week and events forming part of Estonian Language Week organised by the Estonian Institute.

piltThe Integration Foundation also supports employers in organising language studies. A good example is a follow-up course that was organised by the Police and Border Guard Board and the Estonian Language Centre in Narva on which police officers got the chance to study Estonian face-to-face on police premises as well as online and at a language camp held on Saaremaa this autumn.

The Integration Foundation also offers Estonian courses for adults at the A1-C1 levels through its partner schools (Algus OÜ, Kersti Võlu Koolituskeskus OÜ, Multilingua Keelekeskus OÜ, Immischool – Uusimmigrantide Koolituskeskus MTÜ and Folkuniversitetet Estonia MTÜ), at which a total of 1568 took up studies of the national language in September and October.

Teachers from Algus OÜ are running courses within the framework of the AMIF2020-8 project ‘Estonian language studies for third-country citizens in Estonia’, with 129 people starting on courses at the B1 level in September.

In order to ensure the quality of language studies, the University of Tartu was commissioned by the Ministry of Culture and worked with the Integration Foundation to train 25 language-school teachers of adults over three sessions in 2021. Follow-up training on the development of the teaching of Estonian as a second language was also provided in a conference format at the end of September to all those who had completed the University of Tartu training. Teachers from the Estonian Language Centres of the Integration Foundation and its partner schools took part in the event.

It is never too late to start learning a language – and right now is no exception!

piltA lot of Estonian courses have already kicked off, but all those learning the language are welcome to take part in the events organised by the Estonian Language Centres in Tallinn and Narva that give you the chance to practise what you have already learnt.

Bite-sized events you can sign up for include our language cafés and cultural studies courses.

In Narva, there are lots of fun and effective ways you can reinforce what you already know. For instance, you can join the tandem choir at the Estonian Language Centre, for whom music is every bit as important as language and culture. Although the choir only formed a year ago, they have done a lot in the last 12 months: rehearsing on Zoom and in person together in Narva; performing at the Viru Folk festival and at a song festival in Narva; and coming up with their own rap song!

Presentation practice classes give participants the chance to hone their public speaking skills by talking on a topic that means something to them. The rest of the class listens closely and then discusses the topic with the speaker. You can sign up for these classes here. ‘Read > discuss > write’ is a media course offered by the Estonian Language Centre in Narva as part of which the participants talk about and compose texts on a range of media-related issues: various aspects of the work of journalists, ethics, demagoguery and entertainment. The centre has also been running an online pronunciation course for a number of years. On it, the participants get together once a week to practise various sounds and other key aspects of the pronunciation of Estonian. This mainly takes place using the ‘listen and repeat’ method, but also by singing, reading poems and learning about the physiology of pronunciation.

Fun monthly events are held in Narva, Kohtla-Järve and Jõhvi to develop people’s spoken Estonian, such as film and game nights, meet-and-greets with guests and workshops.

The Estonian Language Centre in Tallinn is continuing to offer now-traditional conversation classes for beginners and intermediate learners and parents of students in language immersion schools, as well as Old Town tours with Jaak Juske, architectural tours and forest hiking games. New activities include calligraphy workshops, creative writing and literary therapy workshops led by Berit Kaschan and a glimpse into the magical world of the Estonia Theatre, with backstage access, meet-and-greets with stars of ballet and opera and conversation groups.

In order to maintain and expand its cooperation network, the Estonian Language Centre in Tallinn is continuing to work with Tallinn Folk High School, the Estonian Museum of Architecture, Pärnu Central Library, the Mary Magdalene Guild and the Estonian Institute. These have been joined as new partners by the Estonian National Opera, the ‘Teeme Teistmoodi’ handicrafts centre and Tallinn Creative Incubator. The centre has also expanded its regional reach, now offering activities in Paldiski as well as Pärnu County.

As part of the AMIF2020-8 project ‘Estonian language studies for third-country citizens in Estonia’, new B1 courses are set to launch in November 2021 and February 2022. Registration for the courses is via the consultation centre (e-mail info@integratsiooniinfo.ee or call the free hotline 800 9999).

Range of resources released with which to practise Estonian

piltThe Integration Foundation, working with the Estonian Language Centres in Tallinn and Narva, has produced a range of resources with which students can independently practise their Estonian: several videos and a special handbook.

Helena Metslang’s ‘Handbook for independent language-learning: Study skills and the language environment’ was compiled for adult learners to use after they have completed a course so as to help them retain what they have learned and continue their studies in their own time. It includes practical tips for planning studies, maintaining motivation and making more effective use of learning opportunities. It has been published in Estonian, English and Russian and can be downloaded in PDF format here.

In partnership with the Estonian national broadcaster ERR, 15 Russian-language videos have been produced in which Jelena Skulskaja introduces words and phrases that are easily mistaken, often with hilarious results.

Videos showcasing different approaches to language-learning were also released ahead of the KU-KУ Estonian language fair, providing practical tips on studying Estonian. The videos can be found here.

State agencies to open their doors once again to work-experience students with mother tongues other than Estonian

piltA work placement programme being offered by the Integration Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Finance is set to launch in November whose aim is to showcase employment opportunities in state agencies to students with mother tongues other than Estonian and to encourage them to apply for positions in the public sector in the future.

The programme is being run for the second time. Earlier this year, a total of 13 students with Russian, German and Turkish as their mother tongues discovered what it was like to work in the Government Office, the Office of the Chancellor of Justice and a variety of ministries.


Integration Foundation publishes ‘Coming Back in 2021’ handbook on returning to Estonia

piltClose to 7000 people with Estonian roots who have been away from the country for anywhere from a few years to as long as they can remember return to their homeland every year. They bring back with them not only the knowledge they have gained, but also a broader outlook on the world. Over the years the Integration Foundation has supported many of them in settling back into life in Estonia – and now has put all of this together in a useful handbook.

Colourful personal accounts present a cross-section of what returning to the country and adapting to life here involves. One of those whose stories are included is Elin, who describes the handbook as a trusted friend. “It’s like someone who comes to meet you at the airport and gives you a hug and whispers in your ear that you don’t have to worry anymore: they’ll look after you until you can manage on your own!” she smiles.

The handbook also provides advice on where and how to start brushing up on your Estonian, how to find suitable work, where to find school places for your kids and doctor’s services for your family, how to apply for an ID card and much more.

Information on returning to Estonia can be found on our website and click HERE to browse or download the handbook.

Online Citizen’s Day quiz to be held from 15-28 November

piltCitizens Day is marked on 26 November, and this year the Integration Foundation is once again organising an exciting online quiz about Estonia’s recent past in honour of the occasion. It will be taking place from 15-28 November, with a focus on interesting events and life in Estonia.

The quiz can be taken on the Integration Foundation website. It will comprise 50 questions in Estonian, with a time limit of 60 minutes. The questions will go live on 15 November.

The Integration Foundation is arranging the quiz for the 19th time this year. Organisation of the Citizens Day online quiz is supported by the Ministry of Culture.


Cooperation Days generate ideas on getting young people involved in activities

piltCooperation Days were held in Narva on 27 & 28 August, bringing together representatives of museums, Harju County NGOs and the umbrella organisations of national minority cultural associations. The aim of the event was to find new partners, come up with fresh ideas and foster cooperation among the participants.

Organised jointly by the Integration Foundation, the Ministry of Culture and the Harju Enterprise and Development Centre Foundation, the event was attended by 59 people who worked in teams to come up with ways of getting young people involved in their activities. The event culminated in the three best ideas being selected, which the teams will now set about implementing.

One of these projects, ‘Sunflower’, was devised by young people themselves. A conversation group will be established to encourage creative development among youngsters and to embolden them to speak up. They will be meeting a total of eight times. There will be creative workshops, art therapy, 3D designing and more, all of which will foster their creativity and communication skills. The project will end with a mini-ball.

As part of another selected project, ‘Borders and Partners’, there will be two two-day study trips: one for representatives of villages in Rae municipality to Narva and Sillamäe; and the other for participants from Ida-Viru County to the Rae municipality villages. A range of events will take place in and around Rae municipality, including an evening spent together in the village of Kurna, an introduction to village life in Viskla and an excursion to Anija Manor. The trip to Ida-Viru County will showcase cooperation projects between people from different cultural and national backgrounds and how their cultures and histories have intertwined over the centuries. The participants will experience for themselves cohesion between generations and gain ideas on preserving their own cultural heritage and traditions in the midst of another culture.

The third project, ‘National Games Day’, has been designed with young people in mind and is set to take place at the Open Air Museum in Tallinn. The participants will take part in both modern and traditional games played by Georgian, Estonian, Ersa, Moksha, Seto, Ukrainian and Russian people.

The Cooperation Days were financed from the budget of the Ministry of Culture and via the ‘Integration-based cooperation activities’ action of the European Social Fund project ‘Terms and conditions of the provision of support for activities promoting integration in Estonian society’.

Estonian-language teachers from Ida-Viru County to take part in Merle Karusoo’s play ‘Who Am I?’

piltRenowned Estonian director and playwright Merle Karusoo, in cooperation with the Integration Foundation and the Vaba Lava theatre in Narva, is staging a unique play called ‘Who Am I?’ that brings together the stories of Estonian-language teachers from Ida-Viru County and throws open the doors of the world of teaching.

The project gained its name more than 20 years ago when Karusoo was working with children in the region to help them understand where they were from and how their parents and grandparents ended up in Estonia. Now the avid collector of biographies has brought together the real-life stories of teachers in the county. “It’s not easy being a teacher of Estonian,” she says. “I knew that already. But now I know more about the people who are doing this important work – important to the country as a whole. And now you’ll have the chance to get to know them as well.”

The aim of the project is to make people aware of their roots and the choices they make in life: for them to get to know themselves. It also focuses on the specific problems the participants face in their profession. Karusoo got together with the teachers and prompted them to share their life experiences, warts and all. Teachers from the Estonian Language Centre in Narva are also taking part in the project.

‘Who Am I?’ is set to premiere in the studio hall of the Vaba Lava theatre in Narva at 19:00 on 5 November 2021. Directed and scripted by Merle Karusoo, the play will feature teachers Irina Bahramova, Martin Tikk, Mari-Mall Feldschmidt, Margit Sibul, Krismar Rosin, Inguna Joandi, Anne Meldre and Angelika Soomets. For more information, see integratsioon.ee/kesmaolen.

The number of places is limited. Register here: https://forms.gle/xDgr6HJgJHQ8o6qE6

Language-learners ‘gift-rap’ their birthday present for the Estonian Language Centre in Narva

piltOn 1 October we marked two years since the main office of the Integration Foundation and its second Estonian Language Centre opened their doors in Narva. Cool white on the outside but warm and cosy on the inside, the building is home to a friendly team of workers and some wonderful students. Together they worked on a fun rap to mark the centre’s birthday.

Students who were also part of the tandem choir were the driving force behind the rap’s creation. The choir, which is designed to unite studies of language and culture, has almost 40 members of different nationalities, most hailing from Ida-Viru County. Learning songs together allows them all to practise both Estonian and Russian. The choir will be launching into its second season in November, when new male singers are welcome to join.

Open calls for tenders and calls for proposals

October sees the launch of the ‘Ordering Estonian language training services’ procurement, while the ‘Activity support for national minority umbrella organisations’ and ‘Support programme for projects instigated by foreign-Estonian communities’ procurements are set to be launched in November. 

The first application rounds opening in the new are the now traditional ‘Payment of support for returning to Estonia’, ‘Support for foreign-Estonian cultural associations’, ‘Cultural and sports activities promoting integration’, ‘Support for national minority cultural associations’ and ‘Activity support for family stay partner organisations’.

Information on procurements and application rounds that are currently open is available on the website of the Integration Foundation in Estonian.

Our calendar

Information on events that take place by our organisation, participation or support, can be found in the calendar published on our website.

Our news

You can read the latest announcements of the Integration Foundation in the news section of our website and on the Facebook page of the Integration Foundation or the Estonian Language House.

Matsalu Nature Film Festival in Narva

This year, once again, films being showcased in the Matsalu Nature Film Festival will be able to be seen in Narva. The best nature films and documentaries from the last two years will give audiences the chance to experience the breathtaking beauty and order of the natural world, to appreciate the efforts that people around the globe are making to commune with nature and to give some thought to topical environmental issues. This year’s films place us in the snowshoes of a reindeer herder in the Siberian wilderness, put us on the path of wild horses on the Hungarian steppes, ponder the loss of bees from Sichuan province in Western China and deposit us as dragonflies above the waters of the Oker River in Germany’s Harz Mountains.

The screenings will be preceded and followed by discussions in Estonian of the topics they cover, with experts commenting on what we have seen and answering our questions.

Note: The films will only be subtitled in Estonian. The predominant language of the films is English, but other languages include Russian and Chinese.


23 September | 17:00 | When the Snow Melts Down (Когда тает снег)
Russia | 2021 | 63 mins| Watch the trailer
Original language(s): English • Russian • Italian | Subtitles: Estonian
This film follows, in parallel, the lives of a reclusive reindeer herder and his daughter in Rome, giving us their thoughts on life and the ties that bind us.
Registratsion: https://forms.gle/vpJSEGU8A9uVrHLp7 

23 September | 19:00 | Wild Horses – A Tale from the Puszta
Germany • Austria • Hungary | 2021 | 88 mins| Watch the trailer
Original language(s): English | Subtitles: Estonian
Through the eyes of a little foal named Dot, this film provides an insight into the lives on the Hungarian steppes of the Przewalski’s horse, the only remaining truly wild horse in the world.
Registration: https://forms.gle/KkqmeAF9QUZHknWx5

24 September | 17:00 | Earth: Muted
Sweden | 2021 | 70 mins | Watch the trailer
Original language(s): Chinese | Subtitles: Estonian
This film focusses on three farming families in the Hanyuan valley in the Chinese province of Sichuan as they struggle to make a life for themselves and future generations in conditions that are seeing the local bee population decimated by pesticides.
Registration: https://forms.gle/98cSPqSTJ9fB19XV8

24 September | 19:00 | My Dragon River (Im Reich der Auen - die Oker)
Germany | 2021 | 52 mins
Original language(s): English | Subtitles: Estonian
Through the use of slow-motion filming, this stunning documentary provides never-before-seen footage of dragonflies and other denizens of the river and riverbank they inhabit.
Registration: forms.gle/pFwaVFH3PN6y2Haw6 

School students also have the chance to examine the species featured in the film in special rooms and put themselves to the test on a survival course with pumas in the harsh conditions of the Chilean Andes. School nature trips will be taking place in Narva on both 23 & 24 September. In the course of these fun days out, led by staff from the Alutaguse Hiking Club, the students will find out all about the rodents found in the city and learn not only how garbage accumulates in urban areas, but also how it can be avoided.

Health information | Participation is only open to those who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, who have contracted and recovered from the virus or who have tested negative for it. To provide evidence of this, please present your COVID certificate (on paper or in digital form) and personal ID. Those younger than 18 are not required to present the certificate.
If you do not have a certificate, you may come to the venue on September 23rd at 16.30-18.30 with a COVID-19 rapid testing kit you have previously purchased and take the test on site under the supervision of a medical worker. In case of a negative result of this test, it is possible to watch all the films of the festival in Narva. 

The documentaries taking part in the Matsalu Nature Film Festival are being screened in cooperation with the Integration Foundation’s Estonian Language House in Narva. Attendance of both the screenings and the discussions before and after them is free of charge, but advance registration is required.

The main programme of the Matsalu Nature Film Festival takes place each year in Lihula, close to Matsalu National Park, at a time when migratory birds are making their way through the area. This year’s festival is the 19th edition and will be held from 15-19 September. The festival aims to recognise and showcase new nature and environmental films and their creators, offering audiences the chance to watch some of the world’s best nature films for themselves and thereby raising awareness of and interest in environmental issues. The festival promotes sustainable ways of life that are close to nature as well as respect for indigenous traditions that are closely intertwined with the natural world.


Improve your language skills in new courses!

In the autumn season the Estonian Language House in Narva offers the opportunity to improve your Estonian language skills in five new courses both in contact learning and online. Participants from all over Estonia are welcome for the online courses.

1. Online pronunciation course (THE GROUP IS COMPLETED)

This course is aimed at language learners looking to smooth the rough edges off their Estonian pronunciation. Participation in the course also requires independent practice. The course is made up of 10 group sessions as well as individual consultation. We practise all aspects of Estonian pronunciation through exercises, poetry, songs and everyday texts.

  • When: 7 October-16 December (10 group sessions on Thursdays from 13:00-14:15 plus individual consultations on Tuesdays & Thursdays at agreed times).
  • Place: Zoom
  • Min. language level required: B1
  • Registration: https://forms.gle/KP4t951fi3jNz7m96


2. Online course in Estonian culture (THE GROUP IS COMPLETED)

This course is designed for language learners interested in finding out more about Estonian singers, musicians, actors, designers, films, plays and traditions. Together we’ll watch and discuss TV shows, movies and interviews, developing our spoken self-expression and listening skills and honing our ability to ask and answer questions. We’ll learn to describe and debate things and gain a better understanding of local traditions and typical Estonian behaviour. There will also be five excursions to attend plays and concerts, visit museums and the like.

The course has a follow-up (‘Online course in Estonian culture II’) which will begin in January 2022, looking at nature, sights of natural and culturally historical importance in Estonia, literature, writers, poetry, photography, art, artists and more.

  • Min. language level required: B2
  • When: 6 October (group sessions then following weekly) from 17:30-20:00 plus excursions on weekends
  • Place: Zoom
  • Registration: https://forms.gle/ZgVs3HQ2YXBVsPoU7


3. Creativity course (THE GROUP IS COMPLETED)

On this course you’ll unleash the creative force within you! In doing so, you’ll also improve your Estonian. We’ll be putting our thoughts and feelings into words on paper, reading, acting and putting on productions and ultimately sharing all of this with others.

  • When: 22 September through to 31 May (Wednesdays from 14:00-15:30)
  • Place: Estonian Language House in Narva
  • Min. language level required: B1
  • Registration: https://forms.gle/XuRfJLtfNYFdNNh86

Health safety: In organising courses, Estonian Language Houses are guided by the current requirements put in place to stop the spread of coronavirus. Only people who have been vaccinated, recovered from COVID-19, or presented a negative test result can take part in events.
The certificates of all attendants will be checked at the entrance, please bring your identity document with you as well.
- The certificate can be submitted in both paper and digital form (eg from smartphone).
- There is no on-site testing available. 

4. Talking practice "Mokalaat" (in Narva and via Zoom; from November only via Zoom)

In these presentation practice classes there’ll be no teachers or learners, as we’ll all be teaching and learning from one another! The aim of the classes is to hone your public speaking and presenting skills on a topic that interests you in a stress-free and supportive setting. Each of the participants will prepare a talk on their chosen subject – whether it be connected to their work, one of their hobbies, an exciting place they’ve been or something else that’s close to their heart. Everyone else will actively listen in, ask questions and contribute to the discussion that follows the presentation.

  • Language level: B2−C1
  • Where: Estonian Language Centre, Narva (once a month)/via Zoom (once a month); from November the meetings will take place only via Zoom
  • When: Mondays from 18:00-19:30 (from 4 October, then every two weeks)
  • Registreerumise link: https://forms.gle/1ANmdvasSaGPR81LA

Health safety: In organising courses, Estonian Language Houses are guided by the current requirements put in place to stop the spread of coronavirus. Only people who have been vaccinated, recovered from COVID-19, or presented a negative test result can take part in events.
The certificates of all attendants will be checked at the entrance, please bring your identity document with you as well.
- The certificate can be submitted in both paper and digital form (eg from smartphone).
- There is no on-site testing available. 

5. Read > discuss > write (online course) (THE GROUP IS COMPLETED)

The aim of this course is to foster your skills in writing discursive texts. On the one hand, the basis of any good text is knowledge, but on the other, you need to be able to view the subject from a number of angles, and in the end put them all together in a logical and flowing piece of writing. Over 10 sessions, we’ll be reading topical media texts or watching chat shows, discussing them and practising writing discursive texts of our own.


The number of places is limited. Please register if it is possible to attend the course at all or most of the events.

The courses are free for participants.

Newsletter: August 2021

Table of contents

Irene Käosaar: Let’s find a common language through song!

Singing Party “Drive Slowly Over the Bridge” in Narva on 20 August

Registration for free Estonian language courses to open again on 25 August

KU-KУ fair to showcase Estonian language-learning opportunities in September

Looking ahead to the new academic year at the Estonian Language Centre in Narva

Looking ahead to the new academic year at the Estonian Language Centre in Tallinn

Language studies offer summertime fun to learners around Estonia and Estonians abroad

People of different cultures contribute to summer events organised by Integration Foundation

Roma community mentors from Valga host city camp for youngsters

Nominees for the annual Integration Awards can be submitted until 13 September

Open calls for tenders and calls for proposals

Our news


Irene Käosaar: Let’s find a common language through song!

30 years. 30 years of independence we ourselves have experienced. And how did it all start? Through singing. Singing freely and as one. People of different nationalities singing together. For me, 20 August 1991 started in the year of the Singing Revolution, 1988. That spring I graduated from high school with the promise of the bright future that lay ahead – one that included Estonia regaining its independence.

Today, three decades later, I invite everyone to join us here in Narva to once again sing together and celebrate the 30th anniversary of the restoration of our independence. We will be singing songs that mean a lot to us, in various languages, at an event being organised by the Integration Foundation and going by the name Sõida tasa üle silla or ‘Ridge gently over the bridge’. The mini-festival will take place in the EV100 park in Narva on 20 August.

The event is designed to build bridges between people, eras, regions and cultures and to allow us to find a common language through song.

I hope we all have bridges in our hearts and minds – the kind that connect us and bring us together.

Irene Käosaar, Integration Foundation director

Singing Party “Drive Slowly Over the Bridge” in Narva on 20 August

The aim of the singing party is to bring together people of different nationalities, different mother tongues and from different regions to sing cherished songs to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Estonia's re-independence.

This party is a bridge between various communities, as all people living in Estonia are invited to take part in it - be they choir singers or just people who like music and singing. The event will be live-streamed online.

The repertoire of the singing party "Drive Slowly Over the Bridge" includes people’s favourite songs that are characteristic to Narva. There will be songs from Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine as well as from Ingrian nations on stage. The lead singers of the party will be local soloists, choirs, and the Tandem Choir of the Estonian Language House in NarvaThe producers are Anna Farafonova and Alo Puustak, directors are Krismar Rosin and Ave Landrat, artist is Deniss Polubojarov and video artist is Alyona Movko-Mägi.

The concert performance is going to take place in the Narva EV100 Park, entrance is free. Only people who have been vaccinated, recovered from COVID-19, or presented a negative test result can take part in event. People under the age of 18 do not need to submit the COVID certificate. More detailed information can be found here.

Registration for free Estonian language courses to open again on 25 August

On August 25th at 10 a.m., registration for the free Estonian language courses will start on the website of the Integration Foundation. A total of 91 courses can be registered for, where 1456 adults interested in Estonian language are welcome.

Free Estonian language courses are being held from September to December this year, with each course lasting for 120 academic hours.

The Integration Foundation provides free Estonian language of communication courses at A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1 levels. Adults at least 18 years of age can register for the courses. The courses start in September.

They will be taking place both face to face (in Tallinn, Narva, Jõhvi, Kohtla-Järve, Ahtme, Tartu, Pärnu and Sillamäe) and online. When registering, you should bear in mind that if circumstances require it, all courses will transfer to an online platform rather than taking place face to face. You may also be required to present a COVID certificate when attending face-to-face lessons.

In order for the registration to go smoothly, it is recommended that you read the rules for course registration and test your language skills in advance, which can also be done on the Foundation's website. The timetable will be published on our website a week before registration opens. Registering requires you to officially identify yourself.

The next round of registration will open in October when the Integration Foundation will be offering language enthusiasts around Estonia a further 240 places on face-to-face courses (in e.g. Sillamäe, Jõhvi, Kohtla-Järve, Ahtme and the Kiviõli area) and 128 places on online courses.

In addition to the courses starting in September, we offer other language-learning opportunities you can already take part in or add to your plans.

Other free Estonian-learning options:

In addition to online registration, it is also possible to access the free Estonian language courses through counselling. One of our advisers can help you choose the best form of study and practice for you, recommending a course or activity offered by the Integration Foundation or one of its partners based on your needs, level of motivation and previous learning experience.

Additional information on the possibilities of learning and practicing the Estonian language, as well as counselling, is available by calling the free-of-charge information line 800 9999 or by e-mail info@integratsiooniinfo.ee.

KU-KУ fair to showcase Estonian language-learning opportunities in September

Organised by the Integration Foundation, the KU-KУ fair is designed not only to provide information on ways in which people can go about learning Estonian, but also to offer a good deal of fun and entertainment. The fair will be held in two cities – Kohtla-Järve on 4 September and Tallinn on 18 September – and streamed online.

The fair is aimed at adults with different language-learning needs and levels of Estonian, as it showcases the latest methodology and opportunities and allows people to choose the form of study that is best suited to them. There will be a prize draw on the hour, every hour at the fair, plus a café and fun activities for children.

With the help of our partners attending the fair, visitors will be able to choose a form of study, find out about the latest teaching materials, play language-learning games, obtain advice on preparing for language exams,

learn about the language immersion method, take part in a language café and workshops and much more.

In Kohtla-Järve, the fair will be held at TalTech Virumaa College from 10:00-15:00 on 4 September, while in Tallinn it will be held at the Song Festival Grounds from 10:00-16:00 on 18 September. Admission is free of charge. The fair will be live-streamed for anyone interested to watch online. More detailed information can be found here.

Activities are financed via the European Social Fund project ‘Terms and conditions of the provision of support for activities promoting integration in Estonian society’.

Looking ahead to the new academic year at the Estonian Language Centre in Narva

Commencing studies at the Estonian Language Centre in Narva this autumn will be 210 people in 13 groups at all levels between A1 and C1. Three of the groups will be learning together online. There will also be five courses focussing on specific language skills in which a further 90 people will be taking part.

“Apart from the courses, we’ll again be organising a range of other activities that support language-learning and broaden people’s horizons,” said Anna Farafonova, the director of the Estonian Language Centre in Narva. “We’ll also be launching some series of courses and get-togethers that provide the participants with more in-depth knowledge of Estonian culture and help them hone more specific aspects of the language, like reading and writing skills, plus presentation skills. Our practical pronunciation course has proven very popular and will be continuing as well.”

A new format being launched in the 2021-2022 academic year is a creative course for learners at the B1 level on which the participants will absorb the language through creative activities. The learners will put their thoughts and feelings into words on paper, read and perform and generally share their creativity with others. Presentation practice classes will also be continuing, giving participants the chance to speak on topics of importance to them and thereby hone their presentation skills, learn something new and talk together in Estonian about the topics raised.

In September, the centre will be screening films from the Matsalu Nature Film Festival for the second year running. Focussing on the links between nature, people and the environment, the films taking part in the festival come from all around the world. The screenings will be followed by discussions and workshops. The festival is free of charge. Film-lovers of all ages are invited to come along, but students in particular are very welcome.

Information about all of the events taking place at the Estonian Language Centre in Narva can be found on our regularly updated https://www.integratsioon.ee/en/kalender.

Looking ahead to the new academic year at the Estonian Language Centre in Tallinn

The Estonian Language Centre in Tallinn will be opening its doors to 18 groups at the A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels this autumn, with almost 300 language-learners taking up studies of Estonian. The courses will take place both face to face and, given the coronavirus situation, online. Forming part of the study programme in the new academic year will be a cooperation project with the Museum of Estonian Architecture: some lessons will be held at the museum and at other sites around the city.

“As ever, we’ll be offering plenty of opportunities for the students to practise their Estonian and soak up some culture in addition to the language lessons themselves,” explained Hedvig Evert, the director of the Estonian Language Centre in Tallinn. “Despite the challenges presented by the pandemic, we’ve offered a wide range of activities from winter all the way through summer – 37 of them, in fact, all designed to support language-learning. They’ve proven very popular, with almost a thousand people taking part. In autumn we’ll be continuing with some of the most popular ones, like the Metsamäng game on the State Forest Management Centre’s hiking trails, the architecture tours in Tallinn, our food and art discussion groups at Fotografiska and our conversation classes for both beginners and more advanced learners. New activities we’re launching are a calligraphy workshop, a series of Friday church visits and concerts, ‘Legends of the Old Town’ tours in Tallinn with Jaak Juske and a few more surprises, which you’ll find regularly updated information about on our events calendar.”

In Pärnu, the conversation class, world cuisine workshops and singing and discussion groups organised by the Estonian Language Centre in Tallinn are set to continue. There will also be further excursions to Estonian cultural sites like writer Carl Robert Jakobson’s farm in Kurgja and poet Lydia Koidula’s home museum.

As ongoing projects, the Estonian Language Centre in Tallinn is planning to build bridges with a range of cultural institutions. Opening their doors to learners and unveiling what goes on behind the scenes will be the Estonia Opera and Concert Hall, Tallinn Central Library and its branches and the Estonian Open Air Museum.

Language studies offer summertime fun to learners around Estonia and Estonians abroad

Estonian language studies and practice opportunities offered by the Integration Foundation continued over summer on traditional language courses, in language cafés, at language roulette and book club meetings, in language and culture clubs and on language-learning excursions all over Estonia.

Workshops enabled participants to practise their spoken Estonian, broaden their vocabulary and make friends. In Pärnu, participants learned about national dishes from different countries and how to make them and explored the Estonian music and literary scenes. Meanwhile, at Narva Museum and Lahemaa Heritage House, learners delved into the secrets of Estonian folk culture. Excursions took students to the island of Prangli to discover its culture and natural environment, to Pärnu County to learn about its farms and food culture and to Aidu to marvel at its manmade landscapes. There was also a forest hiking game, architecture tours, art talks and other get-togethers supporting participants’ language-learning endeavours and enriching their vocabulary and outlook.

A number of intensive language-learning camps were also held over summer. An Estonian-English tandem camp was held in Jõgeva County for the first time, as well as a camp on the island of Saaremaa showcasing country life for language-learners and tandem choir practice camps in Käsmu. An Estonian-Russian tandem camp is planned to be held in Võru County during August. A traditional language camp in Viljandi County was also organised for young Estonians living abroad, giving them the chance to learn and practise their Estonian, meet and make friends with Estonians their age from other countries and learn about Estonia’s culture, all of which helps strengthen their ties with the country.

People of different cultures contribute to summer events organised by Integration Foundation

One area of activity of the Integration Foundation is encouraging the development of and helping to organise projects that bring together residents of Estonia who speak different mother tongues and to integrate communities. The aim of these activities is to promote closer contact between representatives of different nationalities and to boost awareness of the cultural diversity that exists within Estonia.

A seminar and series of workshops entitled ‘How to design a digital culture service for a target group with a mother tongue other than Estonian’ took place on 8 and 15 June in association with the Estonian Institute. The seminars were held in a hybrid format, taking place simultaneously in the offices of the Estonian Institute in Tallinn and on Zoom. A total of 20 organisers of cultural events and representatives of cultural institutions took part. The seminars gave the participants the opportunity to share their knowledge of the creation of cultural services and the running of virtual cultural events and to gain support for the further development of their ideas.

In cooperation with Smart Wood Stuudio, a series of get-togethers entitled ‘Art, Language and Culture’ was devised to take place throughout summer, with the participants visiting Estonian cultural sites and taking part in Estonian-language drawing workshops and discussions. Art as a shared hobby is a bridge that helps people make friends and brings representatives of different cultures together.

A friendly e-sports match was held between the e-sports teams from Tartu and Narva on 17 July in cooperation with the Estonian E-Sports Federation. The aim of the event was to popularise e-sports and to break down the language barrier between the Estonian- and Russian-speaking communities in the country. The game in Narva was followed by 23 people in situ, with over 100 more watching online. .

Roma community mentors from Valga host city camp for youngsters

Two mentors for the Roma community employed by the Integration Foundation have been active in Valga since June 2020: Irina Anissimova and Oleg Artemchuk. They are tasked with promoting cooperation between Roma families, the local government and its agencies and institutions, advising clients individually and organising activities for them. The aim is to boost young people’s interest in education and to get them more involved in social life.

The mentors hosted a city camp for Roma youth from 12-18 July. There were 15 participants between the ages of 8 and 21, who gained new knowledge of a range of fields, from history and literature to physics and engineering. The youngsters took part in training sessions and practical workshops and went on excursions to other parts of Estonia. Since many Roma youth have not had the opportunity to visit other parts of the country before, they learnt more about Estonia as a whole thanks to the camp. The most exciting excursions, according to the young participants, were those to the AHHAA Science Centre, the Peipsimaa Visitor Centre and the Valga Military Museum, while they also enjoyed the Pavel Varunin workshop.

Their mentor Oleg said that the programme of events for the camp was designed especially with Roma youngsters in mind so as to inspire them to obtain an education. He added that the excursions not only gave the participants the opportunity to learn new things, but also enhanced their social skills and gave them a taste of independence. He added that since they have mentors, the youngsters no longer feel shunned but that they are as important to the country as everyone else. Their other mentor, Irina, said that in the course of the year the youngsters have become more open, have started asking for help and advice and have developed an interest in studying and working.

Further plans have been made to support the Roma community in Valga. Irina explained that more work needs to be done with families and that a Sunday school needs to be opened in order to work with children. In the short term they will need to provide help to six people in finding work and to encourage five youngsters to continue their studies. Oleg added that in the future he also hopes to organise such camps abroad.

Nominees for the annual Integration Awards can be submitted until 13 September

The awards are designed to recognise those who have contributed to the showcasing of different cultures and implemented projects that support cooperation between people who speak different mother tongues.

The integration prize fund is EUR 4,000. The prizes will be awarded in four categories and the best project promoter of each category will receive a prize of EUR 1,000. Projects with the implementation period between 23.09.2020 - 12.09.2021 can be submitted to the competition.

Applications for awards can be submitted in the following categories:

  • Cultural Introducer of the Year (introduction of the cultures of national minorities living in Estonia to the Estonian public);
  • Bridge Builder of the Year (implementation of cooperation projects between native Estonians and non-Estonian residents);
  • Message Carrier of the Year (development of attitudes supporting integration through the media);
  • Spark of the Year (implementation of outstanding activities in the field of integration).

To participate in the competition, you must fill in the application form available on the Integration Foundation’s website in September 13 the latest. The full information can be found here (in Estonian)


The awards are financed by the Ministry of the Culture.

Open calls for tenders and calls for proposals

A procurement has been launched for an awareness-raising campaign for museum visitors and theatre-goers who speak mother tongues other than Estonian. The second part of the application round for sports and cultural events promoting entrepreneurship in Ida-Viru County will open in August.

Information on procurements and application rounds that are currently open is available on the website of the Integration Foundation in Estonian.

Our calendar

Summer’s not over yet – there are more events to come! On 17 & 18 August the Integration Foundation will be taking part in Cities & Municipalities Day in order to promote the integration services offered by the state; on 20 August we will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of the restoration of Estonia’s independence with a song festival in Narva; on 22 August an Estonian-Russian tandem camp will open in Võru County; on 4 & 11 September we will be sharing information at the KU-KУ Estonian language fair; and in mid-September we will be inviting everyone to come along and enjoy the Matsalu Nature Film Festival in Narva.

Information on events that take place by our organisation, participation or support, can be found in the calendar published on our website.

Our news

You can read the latest announcements of the Integration Foundation in the news section of our website and on the Facebook page of the Integration Foundation or the Estonian Language House.

Singing Party “Drive Slowly Over the Bridge” in the Narva on 20 August

On 20 August, the Integration Foundation will hold a singing party "Drive Slowly Over the Bridge" in Narva. The aim of the singing party is to bring together people of different nationalities, different mother tongues and from different regions to sing cherished songs to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Estonia's re-independence. The singing party will be Narva’s official part of the Estonia-wide anniversary party.

The singing party "Drive Slowly Over the Bridge" is named after the Estonian sentence “Sõida tasa üle silla” that was selected as the most beautiful. This party is a bridge between various communities, as all people living in Estonia are invited to take part in it - be they choir singers or just people who like music and singing. Participants will receive song books on site.

A unique concert performance takes the audience on a journey through time. On an imaginary bridge, various eras, nations and languages meet. What happened during Kreenholm times? What did Konstantin Päts and Lydia Koidula do in Narva? What thoughts did Igor Severjanin ponder and what do local people remember from 30 years ago? The bridges connecting Narva are its people and eras.

The repertoire of the singing party "Drive Slowly Over the Bridge" includes people’s favourite songs that are characteristic to Narva. There will be songs from Estonia, Russia, England, Belarus, Ukraine as well as from Ingrian nations on stage. Some of the songs to be performed are “Sõida tasa üle silla”, “Ta lendab mesipuu poole“, “Pesnja pro Narvu“, “Po kamuškam“, “Vihma sajab kak s vedra“, “Lutšije devuški v Narve“, “Kalinka Malinka“, “Laul Põhjamaast“, “Isamaa ilu hoieldes“, “Ei ole üksi ükski maa“, “Kauges külas“, “Eilne päev“. Marina Kossolapova, Indra-Mirell Zeinet and Oliver Povel Puusepp will take the stage as choir conductors, Maria Vassilejeva and Nadežda Moskaljova will conduct the choir of national minorities. The soloists are Sofia Rubina, Mirtel Põdra, Rafael Sharafetdinov, Alina Vorontšihhina, Vladimir Tšerdakov, Beatriche Huber, Indra-Mirell Zeinet and Oliver Povel-Puusepp.

The lead singers of the party will be local soloists, choirs, and the Tandem Choir of the Estonian Language House in Narva. The aim of the Tandem Choir is to combine language and cultural learning as well as to contribute to the integration of various nationalities. The Tandem Choir unites 30-40 singers of various nationalities, most of whom come from Ida-Virumaa. Over eight months, the singers of the Tandem Choir have been acquiring the repertoire of the singing party, helping each other to learn and practice Estonian and Russian. The Tandem Choir will be performing a few songs at the singing party and will be a supportive force throughout the party.

The creative team of the concert performance consists mainly of people from Narva. The producers are Anna Farafonova and Alo Puustak, directors are Krismar Rosin and Ave Landrat, artist is Deniss Polubojarov, video artist is Alyona Movko-Mägi and sound designer Vsevolod Tšelepis.

The concert performance is going to take place in the Narva EV100 Park that was established in honour of the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia. Entrances open at 7 p.m., the concert begins at 8 p.m. Free entrance. 

Health safety

Only people who have been vaccinated, recovered from COVID-19, or presented a negative test result can take part in event.

  • The certificates of all attendants will be checked at the entrance, please bring your identity document with you as well.
  • The certificate can be submitted in both paper and digital form (eg from smartphone)
  • There is no on-site testing available
  • People under the age of 18 do not need to submit the COVID certificate.

The organizers of the party want to offer a safe concert experience and thank the participants for their understanding and care.

The Integration Foundation, organizer of the Singing Party, would like to thank its partners - Narva City Government, Narva Music and Choir School, the Avenue and Suprjadki collectives, vocal ensemble of Svetlana Voitenko and their technical cooperation partner Live Agentuur.

We would like to thank Narva Hospital for opening the vaccination bus near the concert venue. Free vaccination against coronavirus is offered from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm, using Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Janssen vaccines. Pre-registration is not required. NB! People who have been vaccinated on the vaccination bus must nevertheless submit the COVID certificate as a proof of having recovered from the COVID-19, or the proof of a negative coronavirus test result, to participate in the event.

Let’s find a common language by singing together!

The Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/2oTLNmjEE