This month

Cultural Diversity Year

United trough common activities! Diverse hobbies enrich us

Cooperation and shared hobbies play a crucial role in shaping our future. How often do we think about what kind of a future do we want? What is our end goal? We ask the same question about cultural diversity: what kind of values and results would we like to keep and what will be our future fields of interest? 

October is a great month for turning your attention to the cultures of other Finno-Ugric nations, spend the holiday surrounded by culture, and discover the cultural richness of our associations. We would like to share some simple recommendations for doing that. 

> Discover new hobbies! Being involved in various hobbies opens doors and windows to other cultures. Be it music, handicrafts, learning a language, or cooking. Shared activities bring different nationalities together; joint community events unite us and allow to spend time with people from different cultural backgrounds. Learn a new type of handicraft and find similarities and differences. On 19 October, visit the Open Handicraft Workshops and find a suitable workshop, lecture, or a hobby. For more information, please visit here. Discover the cuisine of other nations and how your favourite dish is prepared elsewhere in the world. We have compiled a list of trainings, information on workshops, courses, and other learning opportunities. For more information about learning opportunities, please click here. What kind of courses would you recommend to people who want to experience cultural diversity? If you are organising a course or know of one, please email us at

> Visit cultural associations!  Open your mind and heart to new experiences! On 19 October, associations, workshops, and cultural centres open their doors to all who are interested in exploring them and introduce their activities to all potential new members.  On 19 October, a cultural fair of the associations takes place in Kammivabrik in Tartu. A seminar on preserving local culture will be held during the fair. How can local culture survive in the era of various budget cuts? It will contain an analysis of cultural management on county level and local governments will share their concerns. The main topic of the seminar is discussion regarding Estonian language: how can we preserve the richness of Estonian language and prevent it from over-simplification? The entire seminar is broadcast online to cultural centres that will join the event all across Estonia, where presentations and performances of the local associations take place simultaneously. Further information is available at: 

> Notice cultural diversity! During the school holiday in October or when out and about at other times, pay attention to our cultural diversity. In October, we are able to raise awareness through exhibitions, books, and concerts. For example, exhibition Me, an EstonianAn Exhibition about Bold People is opened in Tammsaare Park in Tallinn; there, you will be able to read the ideas of eight people whose roots are in faraway places, but who have settled down here for various reasons and consider Estonia their home. May these thoughts be an encouragement and an opportunity for discovery and self-reflection for all. A person is still a person. Visit museums, theatres, libraries, etc. during the school holiday. Find a suitable event:

> Study fellow Finno-Ugric nations! Who are other Finno-Ugric nations, what do their languages sound like, and what kind of a mentality do they have? Become aware of our kindred peoples and the fact that we speak different languages and live in different countries and regions. All nationalities living in Estonia have kindred peoples. Find common ground and discover differences in the cultures, folk costumes, stories, and fairytales of other Finno-Ugric nations. Read the fairytales of kindred peoples, learn about their language and cultural spaces during Finno-Ugrian Days in October. On 18 October, i.e. on the eve of the Finno-Ugrian Days, a conference is going to take place, focusing on Finno-Ugric peoples, languages, and cultural spaces. Further information is available at: Further details about all of these events are available at: and

If you know of an upcoming date that has not yet been marked in our calendar, please share the name of the occasion with us along with the description and your contact details by writing to

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